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Create a life where you step boldly into the calling God has placed on your heart—without compromising your values, family, and faith.

Where you turn ambition into action, even when it feels uncomfortable.

starts TUESDAY 18TH MARCH 2025


Right now, you’re standing at the edge of something greater. You’ve been peering over the edge, asking yourself if you should leap. I know you’ve been scared...

That gnawing feeling that life and business doesn’t quite match the bigness of your dreams. It’s a quiet ache. One you’ve been trying to ignore, because—well—life keeps pulling you in a hundred different directions.

But here’s the thing: that ache is your calling. It’s your heart reminding you that you were made for more.

You know, you’ve been playing it safe. You’ve been holding yourself back because deep down, there’s this fear that maybe, just maybe, if you fully step in, you might just get it wrong. That fear of failure, of disappointing yourself or others, is louder than you’d like to admit.

So, instead of moving forward, you’ve stayed in this holding pattern, waiting for the “perfect time,” or the “right sign.”

But that moment you’re waiting for?

It’s NOW!

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I know this might sound a little jarring. But listen, the only way you’re going to make the kind of impact you’re meant to make is by showing up fully. Right now, you’ve got one foot in the world you know, and one foot in the world you dream of. But, you cannot step into that impossible dream if you don’t take your first real step.

What if I told you that the magic you’ve been seeking, the life you’ve been wanting to create, is already inside of you? That’s right—your own main character moment is waiting for you to step into it. You’ve been too focused on the roadblocks, the “what-ifs,” instead of trusting the process, trusting that the path you need to take will unfold as you move forward.

You don’t have to have it all figured out. In fact, it’s your willingness to be messy, to be imperfect, that will create the breakthroughs you’ve been waiting for. And let’s be honest here —how many more years are you going to keep putting off your own magic? How long are you going to sit on the side-lines, watching other people’s stories unfold while you wait for “permission” to tell your own? The truth is, you’re waiting for something that’s never going to come unless you choose to take bold action.

I get it—you’ve been doing it all. The work, the responsibilities, and the commitments to everyone else. You’ve been living for others, trying to be everything to everyone, and I know what that feels like. But sweetheart, that’s not sustainable. That’s not how you create a life that truly lights you up. It’s time to make it about the life God has in store for you.



Boldly YOU is the difference between where you are and where you want to be…

…it’s also the difference between:

> trying to do things alone and wondering if you’re doing the right thing…and knowing you’re heading in the right direction for what you really want in life

> going around in circles feeling stuck and overwhelmed…and having clarity about the decisions you are making and the specific actions you need to take toward your God-given dream

> doing what everyone else is doing and feeling like you’re failing or not doing it right… and trusting in your way being different from everyone else’s and leveraging your unique set of strengths and gifts to create a life and business that feels like, ‘this is it’

> holding yourself back from fully stepping in and playing smaller than you know you can especially when it comes to your story and visibility… and stepping two feet in and fully embracing the woman you’ve been called to become

> feeling like you’re not good enough, and comparing your life and business to other people in your field… and seeing the truth of who you are, your value, and what you know you deserve deep down

> struggling to speak up for yourself and what you believe to be true… and knowing how to stand strong and communicate effectively on important topics you’re passionate about to create real change

> struggling to believe and trust your capabilities and resolve to play the long game… and knowing in your heart of hearts, with God the impossible becomes possible

This isn’t just another program to add to your never-ending to-do list.

No, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for.
your main character moment.



starts TUESDAY 18TH MARCH 2025

A 3 Month Group Experience for entrepreneurial Women and leaders ready to turn their ambition into action, step boldly into the calling God has placed on their heart, and go all in on their big Vision so they can expand their impact — even when it feels uncomfortable.

(and without compromising their values, family, and faith)


This is the program I once wished I had and I knew I needed to create…

…because I know what it’s like to create a business built on my own will only to feel lost, burdened, and like I was carrying it all on my own.

In 2022, I completely broke in my business. I was tired, depleted, and had created a business which in truth, I hated.

I’d done things the way everyone else around me had done things. I’d created the masterminds, the group programs, and the masterclasses, but I’d lost my light.

I was working with the wrong people (no disrespect to them) because I hadn’t learned how to qualify people properly and I said yes to working with people who weren’t ready to work with me and were outside of my scope of practice - they needed therapy (not coaching) - but I took them on because I was afraid I wouldn’t make the money I needed to make to sustain my business and not get a part-time job.

I was trying to force an outcome, instead of trusting in the outcome, and because I was trying to do it all on my own, God sent me a plague of lessons to humble me greatly.

He ‘took away’ my business, and in hindsight, it was a blessing. My client inquiries dried up, no one wanted to work with me (at least that’s what I thought) and I ended up letting down two people in my business for the first time in my life and it crushed me. I never wanted to be that business owner or coach, yet here I was being the very person I swore I never would be, and it was a hard lesson I needed to walk. I needed to see, that copying other people’s results was never going to work for me and I needed to lead with integrity.

I ended up taking a two-year sabbatical from ‘business’ and stepped back into coaching CrossFit at a little South Auckland gym in Manukau called Cluster South where I learned the meaning of integrity in leadership once more and came back to my why - people.

It’s always been for the people. That’s why I started coaching. I wanted to help and support people to be and become their very best having struggled with depression for over ten years of my life, and somewhere along the way, I lost myself and I lost my way. God reminded me in this season what it was all for. It was never about the money, it was about the impact, and for this, I’ll be eternally grateful.

His love and His ways are never revealed to us until we are on the other side and because of this experience (and multiple others), I believe in the power of listening to God and letting your heart lead the way because there is always a lesson we need to learn, whether we want it or not. Not only for our good but for the good of the people we lead.

The four key areas that have contributed most to the results I have in living a purpose-led life and with a business that lights me all the way up:

  1. My relationship with God and my intuition

  2. Being really good at learning how to say ‘No’ to what’s distracting me from my path

  3. Being steadfast in my God-given vision and learning how to develop the skills I need to succeed and lead with excellence

  4. My personal relationships and my network


And for the past year, I’ve been OBSESSED with implementing, testing, and refining strategies in those key areas to ensure my clients are creating businesses that are authentic to who they are, their strengths, and their God-given talents so they can create businesses that yield results

Just ask my client, Samantha, my gorgeous client who went from feeling overwhelmed by the direction of her business to having a breakthrough in her offerings for the first time in 5 years…

Prior to starting my coaching with Rawinia I felt overwhelmed with little sense of direction in my business. I had so many visions for where I wanted to be but was clouded with a lack of self-belief and knowing of how to call in my vision. Over the month that Rawinia and I worked together, I was able to unpack my vision and become clear on what I wanted to offer as services within my business. We did a significant amount of work around my self-worth and self-belief which has kept me in a place of fear and scarcity for so long. Rawinia enabled me to see my potential which has transformed the way in which I now stand within my business. Since my time with Rawinia I have worked with my ideal clients who see my value, this has given me a significant confidence boost and reinforced that I am following my calling and living in alignment with my values and purpose.

- Samantha cornish, mother and owner of samantha cornish photography


Here’s the 4 step framework I use with my clients to do exactly that:


We’ll reconnect you with your authenticity and why by clarifying your personal values, vision, and dream for your life by pursuing tasks and strategies that align with who you are, instead of doing what everyone else is doing. You’ll receive frameworks you can come back to at any time to clarify, tweak, refine, and reimagine your personal and collective Vision at any point in your life and business journey


We’ll develop and strengthen your inner world by prioritizing self-care practices that nurture your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. You’ll develop self-trust in who you are and the decisions you make, as well as develop devotion and care for your needs through regular exercise, journaling, meditation, prayer, and engaging in hobbies that bring you love, joy, and fulfillment.


We’ll develop and establish healthy boundaries to ensure you’re building your business without burning out. You’ll learn how to prioritize your well-being without feeling guilty while still considering the needs of your clients (and family), and receive frameworks and tools you can come back to and use when you need support to have a courageous conversation or navigate your emotional ups and downs that come naturally with being a woman in business.


We’ll anchor you into your unique set of strengths and gifts to ensure you’re building a business that lights you up and sets your soul on fire. You’ll learn consistency, conviction, and discipline towards your goals and learn how to fall in love with the process to ensure you keep taking steps forward, even and especially when things get uncomfortable and you’re being called to rise in your leadership and impact.


Here’s a look at what you get inside this incredible 3-MONTH journey:


1 x 1-1 60min coaching calls

One 60min Coaching Call to support you with what you need in your business or life. Here you get to ask for direct guidance and support or experience a profound personal breakthrough through coaching so you can access the answers you already hold within. I blend coaching, mentoring, strategy, and somatics into these sessions to support you wherever you are in business and life.

(value $300NZD)

an ongoing library of PRE-RECORDED VIDEOS, workbooks & resources

The strategies and tools applied in my own life and my 1-1 clients. This is not just me teaching you all the things that have worked, it's showing you what this looks like, how it works, and why it gets exceptional results in a real-world context so you can apply them in your own life with ease and confidence. Think of a blend of mindset, strategy, somatics, personal branding, marketing, and the customer experience.

(value $1,500NZD)


Fortnightly live group calls mastermind style for the duration of the 3 months where you’ll receive hot seat coaching, experience real-time guided meditation and mindfulness practices to integrate everything you’ve been learning, and be supported by a group of women who ‘get it.’ These sessions are also designed for peer-to-peer support and interaction, so everyone gets to bring their own unique contribution to the table to share, contribute and grow together.

(value $1,500NZD)

access to an intimate support network

An intimate support network (aka your inner circle) where you can ask questions, connect, request prayer, or access shared resources and feel completely supported in your business over the three-month journey. I answer questions 2 times per week.

(value $600NZD)



Just ask my beautiful client Nami, who went from feeling lost in the Vision she had for her business to launching her first sold-out online group program and reigniting her passion…

Rawinia has helped me rediscover my own unique, authentic self. She has been a massive support in stepping into the next level for myself, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without her wisdom, knowledge, and unwavering support. When I came to Rawinia, I felt lost in my powers and vision for my business and I didn’t know what I was capable of. I knew I wanted more, but I didn’t know I was able of achieving it. Rawinia has vast insight and experience when it comes to scaling your business, as well as tools that helped me become a more empowered version of myself.

Together we set up my first online product which is an extension of my service based product and I was able to hit 40k in sales in 3 days, this exceeded my expectations and I wouldn’t have been able to reach this without the inner work, business guidance and support given by Rawinia.

I see Rawinia as a gateway to your highest self and couldn’t speak any more highly of her.

Thank you for reminding me of who I am and releasing that 'I am it' feeling. I can do anything I set my mind to and I don’t have to do it on my own. A true honour learning from and growing with you.

~ NAMI HAMPE, Founder of the Original Goddess Shoot® and Nami creative

Rawinia taught me how to slow down, how to assess decisions and look for win-win situations. She taught me how to manage overwhelm and surrender to the path of least resistance. I thought I was going to come out of this mentoring with a productive business. Instead, I found my blindspots, learnt to communicate better, let go of unrealistic expectations and reassess my current desires - which in turn led to happiness. I ask myself "What do we all want in life?" Money? Health? Success? Does this really bring happiness? What I got from working with Rawinia is worth more than a productive business. I got what I didn't know I wanted, but what I needed most. Happiness, peace and introspection. For that, I am so grateful and more excited than ever to get to work on all my business goals.

- Shannon Balzat, Mother, Holistic Health Coach, Permacultural homesteader


Boldly You is a 3 Month Group Experience to turn your ambition into action, step boldly into the calling God has placed on your heart, and go all in on your big Vision so you can expand your impact — even when it feels uncomfortable.

(and without compromising your values, family, and faith)

starts TUESDAY 18TH MARCH 2025









5 x monthly payments




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6 x MONTHLY Payments




10 x monthly payments

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How this works:

Boldly You spans 3 months *officially* but you’ll be able to access the content whenever you need.

Upon confirmation of your application, you’ll receive an email with an agreement and a link to secure your space. We officially start Tuesday 18th Match and bi-weekly you’ll receive an email to let you know that it’s time to complete a new module, and/or reflection and application exercise.

Our first call will be an Introduction Call and anchoring into the BIG Visions God has placed on our hearts. We start here so it informs our next three months with clarity and devotion toward what God is calling us to be and become.

You’ll get plenty of space to go through what you need and implement and take action on the steps in each module. You’ll also have a bi-weekly opportunity to ask me for direct feedback on anything you’re working on in your business - from website copy, to offer creation, to email sales sequences or your customer journey. I’m here to be another set of eyes on your business.

Live group calls will happen each fortnight and the call calendar will be set once everyone joins the space.



They are simply the tried and true strategies and methods I’ve been implementing for the past 10+ years to successfully create a life and business I love and that makes me happy from the inside out. They’re simple, and that is why they work. They’re not a quick fix or magic pill, they’re slow, sustainable, and long-lasting.

It’s what I teach all my clients and it’s the reason why my clients continue to come back to me. What we do together works, and you see real-life tangible results on the outside such as pivoting your niche, letting go of outdated offers, or upping your pricing in your business as a result of the deep inner work combined with trusting God above all else, that shift’s the way you see the world and your perspective.

Because what I’ve discovered working with women no matter where they are from just starting to seasoned - is that the way we see the world impacts how we feel (even in our business). It’s less about what we have in our lives and more about how we feel about who we are.

A lot of times we think it’s the next level, to work abroad, or implement a different strategy (and sometimes it is) but a lot of the time it’s the way we make meaning from the things we’ve experienced (which is where courage and self-confidence really STARTS!!!) and learning to live with more ‘dolce far niente’ or the sweetness of doing nothing.

It always blows my mind how incredibly gifted and talented the women I work with are, yet they cannot see it. But the great news is that a number of the tools I share with you, once implemented, will change everything and bring more ease and flow (and joy) into your life and business again. It will feel like a breath of fresh air has been breathed into your business.

So many women don’t know where to start and often falsely believe they have to do it on their own or “they’ve tried everything” or they’ve been burned before by other coaches, counsellors or therapists and they don’t feel seen, heard and understood.

And good news for you, this is my zone of genius…



You’re self-aware, ready to take full responsibility for your life, outcomes and actions.

You want a life and business that feels fulfilling and you understand the only person responsible for your fulfilment is you.

You want tools, frameworks, and strategies you can use when you’re not sure what to do to feel more confident in the decisions you are making for your life.

You’re ready to go all in on your calling, step two feet in, and be 100% honest with yourself in all parts of your life.

You’d love to have the courage to trust the process instead of doubting your purpose, who you are and your impact.

You’re ready to take action and do the work which means having the courageous conversation, saying no, launching the podcast, or completely owning your strengths in new ways - like pivoting your business. You’re ready to do what it takes.

You’re ready to experience more joy and passion in your work again and follow what makes you feel alive and living.

You want a second set of eyes on your business from someone who has been there before, understands how people buy, and supports you to focus on the right things in your business for where you are now.

You want to create an impact. Like let’s create some massive change and shake sh*t up kind of impact, in your own way.



You’re brand new to personal development you have no idea what you want to change. This program assumes you already know you need to change and are ready to take responsibility.

You think you already know what you’re doing. And I get it, I do! It can be tempting to be righteous with what we know but I’ve learned that when we make room to be wrong and be open to new ideas that is when we transform our lives.

You don’t have time to put in the work or don’t want to put in the work. Prioritizing doing is what yields results, not talking about it.

You want to stay where you are right now. You’re open to things needing to change and you’re willing to be in the discomfort that comes with your life changing.

You’re anti-God. This program is for women who love God or who are God curious and are open to learning more about God.

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will you say yes to the calling god has placed on your heart and step two feet in?
