Are You Ready to Listen to The Call and Build a Heart-led Business & Brand That Lights You Up?
(Without Sacrificing Your Personal Life, or Following Trends?)
A 6 month GROUP COACHING experience THAT TAKES YOU FROM ambition to action
Boldly You is about showing up in ways could have never imagined, owning your strengths and gifts, and building a business and brand that’s heart-centred. It’s about thinking bigger and better, and going all-in on the Vision God has placed on your heart by taking courageous action so you can expand your impact…
(all while sprinkling more love, joy, and excitement into your work, because what’s the point of it all if you’re not having fun!?)
In 6 months, you’ll build an unshakeable foundation in who you are, the way you are meant to lead, and your life, business, and leadership.
You’ll know the exact steps you need to take to create the kind of impact that matters to you, with a clear vision that will have you standing with conviction for the test of time.
Across 6 months, we’ll clarify your purpose, mission, vision, and values ⎯ ultimately, what drives you and your ‘Why.’ We’ll dive deep into your unique strengths and gifts that make you stand out as a leader, identify your leadership style, build out a product, offer, or personal project that’s achingly been on your heart, and clarify your brand messaging, and strategy.
Each week you will receive customized feedback from me and what you’re personally working on in your business so you can grow and expand in your leadership and life.
After 6 months together, you will walk away with a new (or refined) product, project, or offer, clarity in who you are, your purpose, and a clear messaging and positioning framework.
You’ve realized you’ve settled for what you know and what you’re good at and you’ve kinda lost your light and spark…
And while you’re grateful to be where you are and don’t take things for granted, the life you’ve chosen doesn’t give you the fulfilment you know you get when you’re living your life with joy and excitement at the center (which is why you’re even here, to begin with, right?) and doing the things you know you’re here to do.
Wouldn’t it be great to do what you love day in and day out and know you’re being guided by something greater than you?
Wouldn’t it be great to know in your heart of hearts you’re building something meaningful, and impactful, and that speaks to the hearts and minds of your people?
Deep down you know it’s possible because you’ve seen others do it… and you know you can as well… you’re just not sure how…
…you need to create strong unshakeable foundations so you can feel confident you’re standing your ground in what you know to be true, and with conviction.
Did I mention I love my clients?
“Prior to starting my coaching with Rawinia I felt overwhelmed with little sense of direction in my business. I had so many visions for where I wanted to be but was clouded with a lack of self-belief and knowing of how to call in my vision. Over the month that Rawinia and I worked together, I was able to unpack my vision and become clear on what I wanted to offer as services within my business. We did a significant amount of work around my self-worth and self-belief which has kept me in a place of fear and scarcity for so long. Rawinia enabled me to see my potential which has transformed the way in which I now stand within my business. Since my time with Rawinia I have worked with my ideal clients who see my value, this has given me a significant confidence boost and reinforced that I am following my calling and living in alignment with my values and purpose.”
- Samantha cornish, mother and owner of samantha cornish photography
So, who is Boldly You for?
Look, you know you’re here for more and yet sometimes it feels like you aren’t progressing…
You’re at what feels like a crossroads and a choice.
You know you’ve got a gift and a talent because people tell you you do all of the time, and yet you’re not seeing the results you truly desire in your life and your work… (sometimes you think you could easily give up right now).
But if you’re being honest you don’t want to give up and you’ve never wanted to give up, you know deep within you’re here for more and you’re unsure of what your next step is and who you’re meant to be as a woman and a leader. Business is currently feeling sticky, you’re going around in circles and you’re unsure what to focus on because there are so many parts of your business, it feels overwhelming, and a lot of the time, you’re unsure where your next client will come from, or if they’ll even come, and honestly, you’re starting to doubt yourself…
But at the same time, you also know who you are and don’t want to do things the same way every else does them, or follow trends, or even follow the experts (because f*ck the experts), and you the calling and passion you have for doing what is right, upholding justice and living with integrity is BIG. You care, you have a BIG heart, and sometimes you’re even told you’re a little bit too sensitive and maybe even a little weird…
You want to make a change and expand your impact so you can leave a legacy that will span future generations. Let’s be honest, it’s not just about you, it’s about the people you care about deeply and your future mokopuna (grandchildren). You’re led by the desire to put people first and create meaningful change, but you’re stuck in the phase I like to call ‘the dreaming phase’ where you’re thinking about it, but you’re not doing it.
You’re at this place where you want to back your words up with action and desire the support to move forward in purposeful ways because it matters deeply.
You’re at a pivotal place in your business where you’ve been listening to the opinions of others for far too long which has led to you feeling overwhelmed and trying to please those around you who doubt you… your family and friends who don’t quite believe you’ll be successful and question your every move.
And you know it’s time to turn down all the noise, focus, and become Boldy You…
For the next 6 months, let’s step all the way in, and until you succeed, no matter how much you think everyone is judging you, by crafting a Vision & a brand so strong it stands the test of time and leaves a legacy.
Where you go from doubting yourself and being unsure, to someone who knows who they are through and through, and can lead with confidence and conviction at the centre.
The 4 problems I see leaders at this phase struggling with and what we actually “fix” inside of Boldly You:
stop listening to the noise of everyone else and connect back to your way
Honestly, one of the reasons why you feel so overwhelmed is because you’ve gotten lost in all the noise. As much as you hate to admit it, you’re a people pleaser because you' don’t want to feel the guilt that comes with letting someone down, so you water down your expression, your voice and what you have to say.
You’re ready to turn the volume down on what everyone else has to say, and start to trust yourself, your inner wisdom and God (again). You know there’s a part of you who believes deeply in the Vision you have on your heart and you’re ready to let her lead the way.
2. You’ve kind OF created a business without thinking about the deeper why and purpose behind your work and it shows.
It shows in your lack of conviction and the way you show up. Instead of focusing on the deeper reason why, you’re focusing on what you don’t have and where you’re not, and it’s causing you to spin your wheels, compare yourself to everyone else, and worse, not take action on the thing you know you need to do.
Instead what we focus on is:
Your Vision, Values, a greater Mission that’s for good, and Why so BIG it will have you laser-focused, boundaries, and taking purposeful action on repeat because you know what truly matters and you’re ready to be the leader who creates change.
3. letting people help you and leaning on others for support
trying to do everything on your own and feeling stuck… and focusing on what God has called you to do, by implementing strong foundations in your business so you can move forward with clarity and purpose.
4. stop saying yes, this time for good.
A 6-month Coaching and Mentoring Experience for new or experienced Coaches, Creatives, or Service Providers who want to craft a business without compromising what’s important to them or their faith
(while simultaneously aligning their business operations with their intuition and inner knowing for more ease, flow, and authenticity)
My work centers all around women being confident in who they are, their gifts, and their strengths, all whilst creating a ‘hell yes’ life.
But here’s the real reason why I created More With Less…
When I first started my coaching business I started with so much vigor and enthusiasm but I was a chronic people pleaser, and I ended up creating a business, systems, and structures which meant I was constantly over-giving and over-extending myself. I burnt out.
But it wasn’t just about overworking…
I had copied everyone else’s strategies and how everyone else did things because ‘it worked’ and I constantly felt gross. It didn’t FEEL right to me. So I’d start things, then stop things, or I wouldn’t trust myself enough to take action on the thing I knew I needed to do next because I didn’t trust myself enough, or I hadn’t seen it done that way before…
I soon realized I needed to start to do things my way…
Which meant turning down all the noise and learning to listen to my intuition. Which also meant taking time off coaching and mentoring altogether for nearly two years because I’d created a business that was completely out of integrity with who I really was…
It was hard and humbling and it cost me a lot. Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and financially…
I ended up in debt.
I could see so many other women craving to do things the way they wanted to do them and not in the traditional sense. In a way where they felt empowered to listen to the feminine wisdom they held within, but more importantly, they trusted it enough to take action on it whilst utilizing proven systems and structures to get there.
And so More With Less was born…
It’s a movement about trusting you have everything you need within so we can create the most authentic and joyful way of being possible (in life and biz).
In MORE WITH LESS, you’ll discover what it truly means to focus on what’s essential and what’s important
… like setting up strong foundations, systems, and processes that allow you to be able to take time off, hit *snooze on your alarm because you need the extra sleep, or go to your child’s afternoon play at school
… like devoting time and resources to ‘the boring things’ (and falling in love with them), who has the willpower and devotion to follow through with the things you said you would do, and who knows her greatest success is in being disciplined, consistent and strategic
… like creating strong rituals and habits grounded in science to support self-care because you know taking care of yourself as a whole human is important for success and well-being, and you trust your body’s wisdom to know when to take a day off and when to push through
Think the key to MORE FREEDOM IS TO sell more and WORK MORE?
Think again…
DON’T GET ME WRONG, selling more is great if you’ve got a sustainable business plan in place…
But hustle culture has you thinking you need to do more and be more and missing the whole point…
Spending more time doing what you love, taking care of your well-being, and pursuing meaningful work is not about force, it’s about trust and decision.
THE KEY TO more freedom and balance → IS YOU!
I’m talking about everything from your systems, and processes, to marketing and mindset. I understand no two people are the same, so my approach is tailored and unique to you.
I truly believe the real reason why entrepreneurs get ‘stuck’ is because they’re too busy comparing themselves to other creators, or service providers instead of trusting in the guidance they’ve been giving and doing something about it. Not waiting. Not waiting for a signer sign. Taking action NOW in the present moment and trusting you are being held in the process.
As your coach and mentor, I bring all my skills and expertise:
Leadership development, emotional intelligence coaching, deep mindset coaching, courageous conversations, active listening, marketing and management communication expertise, training and facilitation, plus more.
We use your intuition & mine to take you on a journey of what I call connected clarity. Connected clarity is about using your intuition and inner guidance to support you to make connected and clear decisions within your business in conjunction with proven systems and structures.
By the end of your journey your life and business will be transformed completely.
You will feel more confident in all areas of your business, how to express yourself authentically and work in a way which is supportive of you.
Rawinia has helped me rediscover my own unique, authentic self. She has been a massive support in stepping into the next level for myself, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without her wisdom, knowledge, and unwavering support. When I came to Rawinia, I felt lost in my powers and vision for my business and I didn’t know what I was capable of. I knew I wanted more, but I didn’t know I was able of achieving it. Rawinia has vast insight and experience when it comes to scaling your business, as well as tools that helped me become a more empowered version of myself.
Together we set up my first online product which is an extension of my service based product and I was able to hit 40k in sales in 3 days, this exceeded my expectations and I wouldn’t have been able to reach this without the inner work, business guidance and support given by Rawinia.
I see Rawinia as a gateway to your highest self and couldn’t speak any more highly of her.
Thank you for reminding me of who I am and releasing that 'I am it' feeling. I can do anything I set my mind to and I don’t have to do it on my own. A true honour learning from and growing with you.
~ NAMI HAMPE, Founder of the Original Goddess Shoot® and Nami creative
I have so much love and gratitude towards Rawinia. Being guided and coached by her over the last few months has allowed me to show up wholeheartedly in life and my business. She gave me the space to unpack some of the core limiting beliefs that held me back from growing my business and showing up as my authentic self in life. In the last few months, she empowered me to create a clear vision and direction for my business and gave me strategies that I can intuitively implement to help my business effortlessly grow. The biggest things Rawinia gave me was the ability to trust my intuition, be authentically me, and show up in the world as a leader with a deeper understanding of why I am here & how I can use my gifts to make an impact. For this, I am eternally grateful.
~ RYAN BENNETT, Naturopathic Wellness Coach
Our time together has genuinely changed my life in multiple areas. What I most loved about our time together was the beautiful blend of nurturing and accountability, when I need space to be held for me you did and when I needed a gentle kick up the butt you gave that also. You allowed lots of space for me to examine and talk through my own thoughts. I always felt safe, allowing me to share openly. Thank you, beyond what words can express what you have created space for me to navigate has fundamentally changed the way I move in this world. I am so grateful that our tūpuna conspired to bring us together. Your taonga is a special one e hoa. Arohanui.
~ eve ahearn, owner of maea
This is a journey that can completely transform your life and your business.
I can guide you, support you, and bring about clarity, but ultimately you are responsible for the work required to create change.
I am not interested in people who want me to hold their hand or require reassurance every step of the way. I am here to support you and empower you to learn how to lead yourself first and foremost so you can lead others.
I am also not interested in people who expect rapid results unless you are willing to put in the work which means doing the inner work and taking action.
If you are self-aware and ready to take ownership of your life, and the results in your business, I would love to hear from you.
This 12 month mentorship is bespoke to you and is the most intimate and supportive way you can work with me.
It is a holistic approach to change and will support you to shift your mental, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual state of being. We look at all areas of your life and business.
A commitment to long-term personal growth and positive impact are a must for this level of work.
What do you receive?
12 x 60min private sessions (all sessions will be conducted online via Zoom) so you can ask questions, and receive coaching, or mentoring to ensure you’re building a business that is unique to you and getting the results you desire
4 x 30min private sessions (all sessions will be conducted online via Zoom) so you can receive quick feedback and support when you know you need a second brain for just a minute
2 x 90min private breathwork sessions (conducted online via Zoom) to ensure you’re connecting to the innate wisdom you hold, taking care of your energy, and taking aligned action towards your dreams
1 x 5hour strategy session to map out the needs of your business so we can start to take action towards your dreams with clarity, integrity, and intention
Instagram DM support in between sessions (voice & text messages) so you can ask questions and receive support in real-time so you can take action in between sessions and continue to move forward
Email support and feedback in between sessions so you can tweak offers, copy, or resources to ensure you’re communicating effectively with your clients and audience and getting results
Additional resources as and when necessary
Note: 6 Month Mentorship includes half the number of 60min and 30min sessions listed above.
Prior to starting my coaching with Rawinia I felt overwhelmed with little sense of direction in my business. I had so many visions for where I wanted to be but was clouded with a lack of self-belief and knowing of how to call in my vision. Over the month that Rawinia and I worked together, I was able to unpack my vision and become clear on what I wanted to offer as services within my business. We did a significant amount of work around my self-worth and self-belief which has kept me in a place of fear and scarcity for so long. Rawinia enabled me to see my potential which has transformed the way in which I now stand within my business. Since my time with Rawinia I have worked with my ideal clients who see my value, this has given me a significant confidence boost and reinforced that I am following my calling and living in alignment with my values and purpose.
- Samantha cornish, mother and owner of samantha cornish photography
Rawinia taught me how to slow down, how to assess decisions and look for win-win situations. She taught me how to manage overwhelm and surrender to the path of least resistance. I thought I was going to come out of this mentoring with a productive business. Instead, I found my blindspots, learnt to communicate better, let go of unrealistic expectations and reassess my current desires - which in turn led to happiness. I ask myself "What do we all want in life?" Money? Health? Success? Does this really bring happiness? What I got from working with Rawinia is worth more than a productive business. I got what I didn't know I wanted, but what I needed most. Happiness, peace and introspection. For that, I am so grateful and more excited than ever to get to work on all my business goals.
- Shannon Balzat, Mother, Holistic Health Coach, Permacultural homesteader
to work with me privately 1:1 at a high level
1 x Payment of:
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1 x Payment of:
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1 x Payment of:
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