Your Best Year Yet: Reset. Refocus. Renew.
It’s the start of another year.
The start of a new year can be a time that brings rise to a fresh start, new beginnings and new possibilities. It’s a chance to hit the reset button.
With 2016 behind us, it’s time to reflect on the goals you achieved the year prior, reassess the goals you currently have in place, and set your intention for the year ahead. What do you want to let go of last year, and what will you bring in to 2017? How do you want to live this year?
Instead of setting New Year’s resolutions, why not shake things up and change your perspective this year. A different perspective can often give you a new view that wasn’t always there and can give you the ability to see your life in another light.
Another way of looking at resolutions is to create a manifesto of what the year ahead could look like for you, and it’s also a damn good way to keep you inspired and motivated each and every day.
A manifesto is a written statement of your intentions and your motives, and is made up of your beliefs, your values and your goals. You can add whatever you want in to your manifesto, there’s no right or wrong way to write it. Your manifesto should be a statement that inspires the reader (that’s you) to live your best life.
At the start of the year my partner and I sat down and created our 2017 manifesto for living.
Here’s ours:
Move your body. Every day. CrossFit. Yoga. Walk. Run. Swim.
Eat well. Eat real, whole food that nourishes your body, mind and soul.
Close your eyes and meditate. Breathe. Slow down. Stop for a moment. Take it all in.
Be honest. Tell the brutal honest truth. Communicate and know that it will all be ok.
Believe. Listen to your instincts and always follow your gut.
It’s ok to say no. It’s also ok to ask for help.
Be supportive. Empathetic. Loving. Caring.
Do good. Be good. Be kind.
Express gratitude. Be mindful. Be present.
Adventure often. Say yes to new experiences. Time outdoors. Time with friends.
Laugh often. Be silly. Don’t take yourself so seriously. Sing.
Reframe your failures as lessons.
Learn. Read. Research. Create an atmosphere of growth.
Choose happiness. Life is exactly how it is meant to be.
Happy creating!